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The kit cost under $400, so it’s certainly not the cheapest, but the way I look at it, I have the best quality piece of gear I was able to install myself, thus saving labour getting it fitted at a workshop. However, it is advisable to install a catch can as early into ownership as possible to avoid any intake manifold soot building from occurring in the first place.Īll up, this took less than an hour from go-to-whoa, and is absolutely a task I would recommend you DIY. As the motor only has 115,000km on it, I’m hoping there aren’t too many surprises.
I’ll keep this bottle for a few months, to ascertain how much oil my D4Detonate is (well, was) churning through the intake. This is as easy as opening the release valve you ran earlier and collecting the oil into a bottle.
This will vary depending on your vehicle and how heavily it’s breathing, but the supplied manual suggests checking and draining the catch can once a month. This is the factory line removed, notice the amount of oil in it … yuck! 5. As long as you can drain the oil out and it’s not hitting anything it shouldn’t be hitting, you’ve won champion. Then you need to run the drain line to the inner wheel arch on the passenger side spend time to get this right … I mucked up my first attempt at this, and decided to redo it for a neater fit. Honestly, it was easier than changing a radiator hose. The supplied lines in this kit fitted perfectly. With that unbolted, it was a case of wiggling the old line and two hoses off no need to keep any of it unlike other kits I’ve seen that require the use of the factory reduced hose on the turbo side. In the case of my 2005 HiLux, I had to remove the intercooler cover (10mm nuts and bolts) and one 12mm bolt which held the factory line to the block. Then it’s just a case of running one to the inlet of the catch can and one to the outlet. Fit the supplied hose clamps on first, and keep them loose.
Have a plan as to where you want to run the lines, try to keep them away from any moving parts and heat sources, and you’ll be cheering. This is probably the scariest part of the operation, but luckily all these modifications are reversible if you muck something up. Don’t stress, it’s easier than you think. Once you are happy, it’s time to get serious and run the lines to the catch can. It’s always refreshing to see something new and shiny in your engine bay, right? One trick here, is to not go too tight when bolting it down, as you might need to adjust the position of the catch can so inlet/outlet hoses land in the right spot. The easiest, and let’s be honest, most satisfying part of the install is securing the new catch can to the engine bay mounting bracket. Next time, I’d bolt the can to the bracket and then the bracket to the body. One mistake I made was bolting the bracket to the vehicle, then the catch can to the bracket. I found it easier to install the drain tube onto the can first, and roughly route it before securing the catch can to the bracket.
In the case of my 2005 HiLux, the mounting bracket sits on the driver side inner guard with two captive nuts, meaning there’s no modifications required before installing the kit.